Japanese fighter ships bombed Indian territories on this day


During World War II, the Japanese Empire made a concerted effort to expand its sphere of influence across Southeast Asia, which included parts of British India. In 1942, Japanese fighter planes launched a series of air raids on Indian territories, primarily targeting the eastern coastal cities of Calcutta (now Kolkata) and Vishakhapatnam.

The Background

The Japanese were looking to secure their supply lines for raw materials and expand their military presence in the region. They had already conquered large parts of Southeast Asia, including Burma (now Myanmar), which was a key ally of India.

The Bombing of Calcutta

On December 20, 1942, Japanese fighter planes launched a surprise attack on the city of Calcutta, dropping bombs on key infrastructure and residential areas. The bombing caused significant damage to the city's infrastructure, including railway lines, gas and water supplies, and communication networks. The death toll was estimated to be around 250 people, with many more injured.

The Bombing of Vishakhapatnam

On February 26, 1942, Japanese fighter planes also attacked the city of Vishakhapatnam, which was an important naval base for the British. The bombing resulted in significant damage to the city's harbor and port facilities, as well as the loss of several ships. The death toll in Vishakhapatnam was estimated to be around 100 people.

The Aftermath

The bombing raids on Calcutta and Vishakhapatnam were a significant blow to India's war effort and marked a turning point in the conflict. They demonstrated the vulnerability of India's infrastructure and the ability of the Japanese to strike deep into the heart of British India.

The bombing raids also had a significant psychological impact on the Indian people, who were already dealing with the effects of war and British colonialism. Many began to question the legitimacy of British rule and the ability of the British to protect India from external threats.


The Japanese bombing raids on Indian territories during World War II were a significant event in India's history. They demonstrated the vulnerability of India's infrastructure and the need for greater investment in military and defense capabilities. The bombings also contributed to the growing sense of nationalistic fervor in India, which would eventually lead to the country's independence from British colonial rule.

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