On this day prince Khusro started a rebellion against his father and the Mughal ruler Jahangir


Prince Khusro was the eldest son of the Mughal emperor Jahangir and the grandson of the legendary Mughal emperor Akbar. He was born in 1587 and was the heir to the Mughal throne. However, his ambition and thirst for power led him to start a rebellion against his own father, Jahangir.

The Rebellion

The rebellion was sparked by a power struggle between Prince Khusro and his stepbrother, Prince Khurram (who would later become Emperor Shah Jahan). Khusro felt that he was more deserving of the throne than Khurram and began to gather support from various factions within the Mughal court.

Khusro's rebellion began in 1606, when he left the Mughal court and fled to the Deccan region of India, where he was able to gather a large army. He declared himself the rightful emperor and began to march towards Agra, the Mughal capital.

Jahangir was caught off guard by the rebellion and initially struggled to contain it. However, he was eventually able to muster his own army and launched a counteroffensive against Khusro's forces.

The rebellion quickly turned into a bloody civil war, with both sides committing atrocities against each other. Khusro was eventually defeated and captured by Jahangir's forces, and he was brought back to Agra in chains.

The Aftermath

Jahangir was faced with a difficult decision on how to deal with his rebellious son. Ultimately, he decided to spare Khusro's life but had him blinded and imprisoned for the rest of his life.

The rebellion had far-reaching consequences for the Mughal empire. It highlighted the internal power struggles within the court and weakened the authority of the Mughal dynasty. It also set the stage for future conflicts between rival factions within the Mughal court.


Prince Khusro's rebellion against his father Jahangir was a tragic chapter in the history of the Mughal empire. It demonstrated the dangers of internal power struggles within the court and the consequences that such conflicts could have on the stability of the empire. While Khusro's rebellion ultimately failed, it left a lasting impact on the Mughal dynasty and the history of India.

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